Thursday, May 03, 2007

A two-part interview at Christians in the Arts

Leanne Benfield Martin is featuring a two-part interview about Through a Screen Darkly at her blog: Christians in the Arts.

Part One.
  • "You have said that you feel compelled to 'sit down between Christian culture and secular society, trying to help them understand each other—and ultimately, God—better through a shared experience of art.' ... Why do you have this compulsion?"
  • "I’m sure that as a movie reviewer for Christianity Today’s movie website as well as your own website, you get a lot of feedback from readers. What do you say to people who question the idea that God can use movies for His kingdom?"
Part Two.

  • "Tell me about three movies that would not be considered Christian but have strong spiritual themes."
  • "There are Christians in Hollywood who are creating good work and making a difference. Can you talk about one or two of these directors or producers—about the work they've done and what they hope to accomplish?"
  • " Is there anything you'd like to add?"

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