Wednesday, November 22, 2006

What does Publisher's Weekly say about "Through a Screen Darkly"?

Publisher's Weekly has given Through a Screen Darkly a starred review.

You can read it here.

They give it two thumbs up. Really. See for yourself!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Today, I wrap it up!

Today is the last day of editing for me on Through a Screen Darkly. I'll get to check the final proof in a few weeks, but this is my last day to make any changes.

What a week it has been. I can't go into details, but let's just say we suffered a significant setback in our process this week that required a great deal of attention to the text. As I am also halfway into writing a new novel, AND I'm working on edits for the first novel, Auralia's Colors, it's an understatement to say that I'm exhausted. And I still have another day of editing on this book left.

I sat at the computer from 10AM until midnight yesterday, reading the book out loud and addressing the problems that had suddenly come to light, and that was Day Five of this particular edit. I'm ready for a long vacation.

The book is fine, don't worry. Suffice it to say that something beyond our control suddenly meant we had to go back and re-shape some things. But the good news is that the book is stronger for it, and even better news... by tonight, it will be finished.

Re-reading it, I'm overcome with gratitude for having the opportunity to tell these stories and share so many of my favorites with you.

What's the toughest thing about closing the book? Easy. I have just seen a handful of GREAT films... new films that have made my head spin. And now I want to write about those. Drat. I guess there will have to be a revised and exapanded edition someday... or perhaps a sequel.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Want to play a part in the release of "Through a Screen Darkly"?

Well, I'm so glad you asked!

There are plenty of things you can do to help!

First of all, you can pre-order the book at Amazon. Then, you can pre-order more copies as Christmas presents for anyone in your family who is interested in movies. What? It won't arrive in time for Christmas? It'll be just a few weeks late... give them a card that let's them know it will arrive in their mailbox as soon as they're done reading the other books they got for Christmas.

Wait, there's more...

If you write for a magazine or newspaper, contact me at joverstreet [at] gmail [dot] com. I can set you up with a review copy, if you're willing to write a review, or know someone who will.

If you work for a radio station, I'll be doing interviews. Contact me.

If you work at a Christian university or school and would like me to come talk about the adventures of a Christian film critic, let's talk.

And then there's always this: I've been encouraged to start a blog on the Amazon page for Through a Screen Darkly.

I know, I know... I already have too many blogs. But this is a place to encourage conversations that will inspire some interest in the book.

So, I've gone and done it.

If you want to help out, visit THAT blog today and if you feel moved to respond with comments on any of the posts there, I'd be grateful to see them.

The more interesting that Amazon page becomes, the more people will get curious about the book. And if you like what happens at Looking, well, Through a Screen Darkly is all about the convictions and ideas on which has been built... so why not pitch in and help draw some attention to it?

Thanks for your support. The more interesting this book release becomes, the more opportunities it will give me to make more interesting for you...

The secret location of the big release party...

Anybody recognize this place?

This is where the big book release party for Through a Screen Darkly will be held.

Food, wine, music, a reading, and some time for everybody to ask questions and talk about movies.

It'll be a grand time, if this current deluge doesn't wash away the bookstore first.

So... who'll be the first to Name That Bookstore?

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Another director likes what he's reading!

What does Darren Aronofsky, director of Pi, Requiem for a Dream, and The Fountain think of Through a Screen Darkly?

After reading the first several chapters, he says:

"Inspirational.... Sometimes all of us forget that love for movies, that internal spark inside us that movies lit, and your book is going to remind many of us about it."

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Would you like a sneak-peek at the book?

The book is almost ready for prime-time. I'll be making one more pass for proofreading this week. But review copies are now available for those who are interested in reading and reviewing Through a Screen Darkly for a publication or a Web site. And I'll be available for interviews if anyone would like to discuss the project.

If you're interested in a review copy or an interview, contact me at joverstreet [at] gmail [dot] com.