Thursday, September 07, 2006

What's in the book? Here's an outline...

This is the Table of Contents for the book. Each chapter is a mix of memories, excerpts from interviews, reviews, and exploration.


PART ONE: How We Watch

1. How a Camel Made a Grown Man Cry
(with notes on: The Story of the Weeping Camel, Dances With Wolves, Chariots of Fire, and more)

2. Viewer Discretion Advised
(with notes on: Don’t Come Knocking)

3. A Feast of Movies
(with notes on: Babette’s Feast)

4. Wonders of Heaven and Earth
(with notes on: Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Wings of Desire)

PART TWO: Saving the World

5. Coming to the Rescue
(with notes on: The Empire Strikes Back, The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King, Raiders of the Lost Ark, A Man for All Seasons, Gosford Park)

6. A Personal History of Violence
(with notes on: Man on Fire, Unforgiven)

7. The Least of These
(with notes on: Born into Brothels, The Motorcycle Diaries)

PART THREE: Fools And Comedians

8. Suffering Fools Gladly
(with notes on: The Fisher King, Forrest Gump, Amadeus, Ordet)

9. Laughing at My Reflection
(with notes on: Saved!)

PART FOUR: Art of Darkness

10. One is the Loneliest Number
(with notes on: Taxi Driver, Punch-Drunk Love, Code Unknown)

11. Making Darkness Visible
(with notes on: Alien, The Exorcism of Emily Rose)

12. Judgments of the Heart
(with notes on: Apocalypse Now, Titanic, Dead Poet’s Society, Ikiru)

PART FIVE: Summoned by Music and Light

13. Pours Forth Speech
(with notes on: Three Colors: Blue, The New World)

14. Chasing the Light

(copied here with permission of the publisher, Regal Books)


Sara Z. said...

Wow - that looks great!

Andrew Price said...

Scanning this I'm more excited than I can say! Is the release date really in February? That seems too far away.

I think the thing I'm looking forward to most is getting to read your thoughts on movies that you really love, instead of whatever film just happens to be out.

Thank you for being a good, honest travel companion, Jeff. I'm very grateful writings and the guidance they provide (not to mention, as I said, just good companionship).